Freediving Membuat Saya Tenang Ditengah Pandemi COVID-19

We’ve officially passed the one year marker of working from home and we’re starting to feel like we’d rather run through the psychologist than open our laptop one more time. Setuju nggak? Ada banget tuh momen dimana gue merasa capek lahir-batin dengan keadaan PSBB ditengah pandemi ini dan bingung nggak tau harus menyalahkan siapa. 

I was a very active person before the pandemic began, nevertheless, most of my activities had been paused due to the restrictions during this tough period. Not only me, but most people also face this struggle, yet they try to push themselves to adapt to the new environment called “new normal” to survive in the time being.

We all admit that the outbreak of COVID-19 has impacted our daily lives, however, time is still the most precious thing we had.. and we must to spend it very wisely. Bener nggak? There is nothing much we can do at this time; thus, we must appreciate EVERY minute that we spend.

Tapi kebanyakan membantin dan nggak tahu mau menyalahkan siapa membuat gue berpikir. Let’s take a look to the other side and pick up new hobbies that you would enjoy and it’s possible to do for this current situation, cz people won’t feel bored or depressed when doing something they enjoy, don’t you agree?

Mungkin terbatas ya, seperti gue.. diawali dengan hobi memasak, terus buka jasa virtual photoshoot yang nggak disengaja justru mendatangkan rejeki buat gue, sampai kepikiran buat FREEDIVING.


I decided to took my curiosity about freediving to the next level by taking a private AIDA 2 freediving license with Let’s Freedive Indonesia (a negative swab result is required before entering the pool) on July 2020.

Freediving is the simple act of breath-holding while diving under the water WITHOUT using any breathing apparatus such as scuba. The other name for freediving is apnea diving or breath-hold diving. HAHA mungkin bagi sebagian orang gue akan dipikir gila. Lagi pandemi gini kok cari olaharaganya malah yang extreme-extreme. Padahal? Freediving justru membawa KETENANGAN buat gue.

My interest in freediving started with a need to challenge myself physically and mentally. When I went freediving for the first time, I felt like I wasn’t burdened with extra gear; I could move and play in the water like I wanted to. Beneran.

Being in the water without heavy scuba gear already feels weightless and liberating, we are truly letting go and letting gravity take over. Rasanya indah dan menyejukkan hati banget gue bisa menari dikedalaman, tanpa kebisingan dipermukaan, tanpa harus mikirin berita-berita hoax di Whatsapp keluarga HAHAHA.

To become a certified AIDA 2 star freediver you will be required to perform a 2 minute breath-hold, swim 40 m underwater with fins and dive to 16m in the open water. The correct skills and techniques will be taught throughout the course to assist you in achieving these goals. I was coached by 
Ichan/Sutiswan (085920665132) from Let's Freedive Indonesia (recommended).

Babes, we all face a hard time during this pandemic, yet the only way to survive is to stay POSITIVE, otherwise, you will experience a severe mental breakdown. Enjoying yourself trying new things will bring you more positivity and happiness. This also helps you to minimize loneliness and boredom. Nggak harus freediving kayak gue kok.

Stay healthy, stay safe, stay sane, and stay disciplined by implementing the health protocols “5 M”.


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